Free Flu Vaccinations are available to everybody over 50 years old, pregnant women and those living with a chronic condition. If you are in one of the high risk groups, flu means more than “a bit of a bad cold” – it can mean hospitilaisation and even serious complications. For more info on who is eligible for the Flu Vaccination
Flu vaccine and coronavirus (COVID-19)
Flu vaccination is important because:
- more people are likely to get flu this winter as fewer people will have built up natural immunity to it during the COVID-19 pandemic
- if you get flu and COVID-19 at the same time, research shows you’re more likely to be seriously ill
- getting vaccinated against flu and COVID-19 will provide protection for you and those around you for both these serious illnesses
If you’ve had COVID-19, it’s safe to have the flu vaccine. It will still be effective at helping to prevent flu.
We are starting our Flu Clinics at the end of September
To book your appointment please speak to reception on 0161 737 9244
Appointments available on :
Thursday 30th September 9am -11.30am & 3pm -6pm
Friday 1st October 9am -11.30am
Tuesday 5th October 1.30pm – 4pm
Wednesday 6th October 9am -11.30am
Please DO NOT ATTEND if you are unwell or displaying any signs of COVID-19